Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

The Beginning

Heeiiii everyone, let me introduce myself. I'am Windy and now i'am the part of blogger too.
This blog is not just about fashion but includes everything that I like, this is not where I confide.
I am one who likes things related to fashion and food.
 I hate when people call me fat but I'm very happy with the green color . But basically I like all colors

  because only one color it feels the world is less beautiful. well is not it?
I'm very happy to cook and try new dishes with strange creations and I'm very happy if other people eat voraciously 

I also learned compassion and continue to learn in this blog that this blog can look attractive and make you smile when you open
so, here I am, maybe not too often make a post, but trying to make a good.
and everyone, please enjoy my blog and lets say hi to me .
Love You Guys , xoxo